Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^BachSosho$
Year : 1976
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Vetter, WaltherBach no Fuhensei. BachSosho 1 1976 125-155
2. Leibowitz, RenéBach no Sakuhin ni okeru Kozo no Benshoho. BachSosho 1 1976 157-175
3. Blankenburg, WalterKyokaishi kara mita Bach. BachSosho 1 1976 177-196
4. Besseler, HeinrichKaitakusha to shite no Bach. BachSosho 1 1976 197-257
5. Eggebrecht, Hans HeinrichBach no Rekishiteki Ichi ni tsuite. BachSosho 1 1976 259-302
6. Mendel, ArthurBach Nendaigaku no Atarashii Seika. BachSosho 1 1976 303-336
7. Blume, FriedrichAtarashii Bach Zo no Rinkaku. BachSosho 1 1976 337-359
8. Geck, MartinBach no Geijutsu no Kyukyoku Mokuteki. BachSosho 1 1976 361-381
9. Blume, FriedrichRekishi no Hensen ni okeru Bach. BachSosho 1 1976 37-96
10. Sumikura, Ichiro (ed.)Gendai no Bach Zo. BachSosho 1 1976 391p, 23p
11. Abert, HermannBach to Wareware. BachSosho 1 1976 7-35
12. Gurlitt, WilibaldKare no Judai to Gendai ni okeru Bach. BachSosho 1 1976 97-123
13. Hamel, FredBach to Jidai Seishin. BachSosho 2 1976 304p

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita